Expo Riva Show - The shoe connection
Expo Riva Show – The Shoe Connection is a collection of interviews, round table discussions and talks, which will feature leading members of the world of footwear, leather goods and accessories.
It is a mix of phygital (physical/digital) initiatives, involving opinion leaders and both national and international companies, ready to guide buyers and exhibitors in the discovery of new, successful business models.
With a wealth of experience and know-how provided by a panel of dedicated experts, the Expo Riva Show format creates a direct line of contact for the footwear and accessories community, not only during the fair itself, but all through the year.
Monday 14th June 2021h 18.00 - 19.30 (CET Time) - Focus on sustainability with "Sustainability: how to make it possible (and simple)?"
This session will tackle, first and foremost, the issue of traceability and how this has become crucial in the development of sustainability policies. The topic of traceability will then be linked to transparency, or, in other words, the practices that enable any one of the stakeholders to know who makes up the supply chain and to analyse their behaviour facing the topics of traceability, certifications a and communication.
h 18.00 - 19.30 (CET Time) - Focus on sourcing with "Post-pandemic Sourcing: what’s next"
The post-pandemic scenario of the international footwear and fashion sourcing system promises significant changes in the production strategies of the big brands and large international retailers. By identifying and analysing these trends, we aim to offer a picture of the opportunities and threats to the industry’s operators over the coming years.
All the forthcoming Expo Riva Show events are free of charge and can be seen in direct streaming in ENGLISH or ITALIAN and will be available on demand on the Swapcard platform, from June 13th until September 30th 2021.
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