2025日本东京国际五金劳保用品展览会 TOOL JAPAN 2025 展期:2025年10月1日(水)~3日(金) 展馆:日本东京千叶幕张展览馆(Makuhari Messe) 主办单位:RX Japan 株式会社 [日本励展集团] 同期举办:日本国际园艺工具设施展 日本户外工具及用品展 日本国际植保无人.机展 日本国际食品及农产品包装展 中国组展组团:福贸展会大鹏zpexpo | 日本蕞大級のプロツール・DIY向け製品の商談展です。ホームセンター、プロショップ、工具金物店などの小売・卸業者だけでなく工事業者、整備士、工場関係者 |
日本国际劳保五金工具展Tool Japan(原国际日本五金展)是日本W一五金工具劳保専業展会,由全球前列的展览及会议主办机构励展博览集团Reed Exhibitions 旗下励展日本公司主办。与日本非常大的园艺行业展会-国际花卉园艺及户外用品博览会GARDEX及AGRI WEEK日本农业展 同期举办并获得巨大的成功。参展商主要来自亚洲、大洋洲、欧洲、北美、拉丁美洲、中东以及非洲等共计51个国-家。Aeon Retail, Ito-Yokado, Juntendo, Nanba, World Tool 和其他一些领头采购商均有参加,上届共计展商1200家,其中Tool Japan展商220家,参展观众42761人。预计2025年参展商达1300家,参展观众突破65000人。 |
ANKLLE Safety Equipment(Zhejiang)Ltd
Our company can produce all kinds of safety shoes in addition to basic, leisure, sports also emerge in endlessly. It is one of the most competitive manufacturers in the field of domestic safety shoes
ANKLLE Safety Equipment(Zhejiang)Ltd. (Trademark is “anklle”) is located in Wenzhou,Zhejiang,China. ANKLLE was founded in 2013,The family company is a shoe manufacturer with 25 years of experience and a safety shoe manufacturer with 15 years of experience. ANKLLE is a company with three generations of inheritance. It is committed to the development and manufacturing of safety shoes through an experienced management team and a hardworking production staff. Engaged in export business for 15 years, ANKLLE is proficient in CE testing and also is very familiar with JSAA testing and BSI testing.
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- 出展対象製品.検品範囲で品質管理実施2025TOOL JAPAN 2024-11-29
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- 出展対象製品.大工道具から農園芸用具、先端工具2025TOOL JAPAN 2024-11-29
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