展馆地点:【全馆】千叶幕张国际展览中心Makuhari Messe
东京电玩展(Tokyo Game Show-TGS),是専業性的游戏展览会。至今已经发展成为亚洲蕞大的游戏展览会,是规模游戏展的全球第二大游戏展会。根据主办方数据统计,有索尼电脑娱乐、Bandai Namco、SEGA、史克威尔艾尼克斯、科乐美、KOEI TECMO、微软等大型游戏公司参加展会。将大面积增加e-sports区域。展会会利用区域内的大型舞台,引进家用游戏及智能手机游戏等人气项目,再配合视频直播发布,让更多人了解到e-sports的魅力。从VR扩展到AR/MR领域:将去年新开设的VR区域更名为“VR/ AR区域”,将参展范围扩展至AR和MR。除VR/AR/MR游戏软件之外,还要招募主营开发解决方案等B2B业务的企业参展。
Development Background
*"Gaming Disaster Prevention Bag" aims to solve the problem of where to put disaster prevention goods
In fact, the storage location of disaster prevention goods after they are purchased is often a problem.
We designed this bag to be comfortable in everyday life and quick in emergencies.
Product Features
*Attached to the leg of a gaming chair, it solves the placement problem.
*Easy to attach and detach in a "one-touch" operation when an "emergency" arises.
accessible preparedness tailored to individual circumstances
*In addition to disaster prevention, it can also be used as a ready-to-go toy box to keep things organized.
Portable video game consoles, sofware, favorite card game decks, etc. can be organized and stored in the box, which can then be used to keep your room tidy as a ready-to-carry toy box.
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