automatica sprint线上展会期间,将首-次开放全球重要的机器人及人工智能平台——munich_i。其中,munich_i高新技术峰会(munich_i Hightech-Summit)将于2021年6月22日举行,得到了德国巴伐利亚州部长Markus Söder博士的大力支持。峰会由automatica展会、慕尼黑机器人与机器智能学院(MSRM)和慕尼黑工业大学(TUM)共同举办,由MSRM学院主席兼TUM机器人与系统智能研究所主任Sami Haddadin博士和TUM医学历史与伦理学研究所所长Alena Buyx教授倡导。峰会聚焦“为明天赋能的智能技术”,预计将带来20余场讲座,覆盖技术变革、人类与人工智能互动等多个主题,重点关注工作、健康和交通等问题。
On the one hand there is an ongoing pandemic with massive contact and travel restrictions along with the associated economic damage. On the other hand there is a community requiring orientation, exchange, inspiration and business. With automatica sprint we have developed a new event format that creates impulses for an industry that does not want to and cannot wait two more years for the next automatica.
On June 22–24, 2021 the time will come: With the new automatica sprint trade fair format, the community is taking a fresh start after a long Covid break. What we're particularly excited about: The positive response and your registrations. The industry leaders listed below have already registered – we would be happy to have you, too.
Robotics: ABB, DENSO, Epson, FANUC, KUKA, Liebherr Verzahntechnik,
Assembly/handling technology: Bosch Rexroth, Festo, Hahn Automation, Manz, Mikron Automation, Schaeffler, SCHUNK, SIM Automation, teamtechnik Maschinen und Anlagen
Machine vision: Basler, IDS, MVTec, VMT, Hiwin, Cenit
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- 地址:上海市-福贸展会大鹏zpexpo
- 邮编:201108
- 电话:021-61200956
- 副总经理:张鹏-福贸展会大鹏
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