Expo Riva Schuh 2022How To Participate
How To Participate
Thanks to the innovative functions of the Digital Connection, the Expo Riva Schuh & Gardabags exhibiting companies have the chance to expand their business potential, going beyond the limits of time and space.
What are the new exhibition solutions offered by the fair to exhibitors?
Double the advantages of taking part in a physical fair by integrating traditional participation with the business and network opportunities offered by the Digital Connection and the digital platform.
This guarantees an innovative way to participate by substituting the traditional stand with a tailor-made virtual space on the fair’s digital platform, Swapcard.
Are you interested in taking part in Expo Riva Schuh and/or Gardabags?
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- 地址:上海市-福贸展会大鹏zpexpo
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- 电话:021-61200956
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