东京电玩展2025黑暗乘骑移动影院系统TOKYO GAME SHOW

展馆地点:【全馆】千叶幕张国际展览中心Makuhari Messe
东京电玩展(Tokyo Game Show-TGS),是専業性的游戏展览会。至今已经发展成为亚洲蕞大的游戏展览会,是规模游戏展的全球第二大游戏展会。根据主办方数据统计,有索尼电脑娱乐、Bandai Namco、SEGA、史克威尔艾尼克斯、科乐美、KOEI TECMO、微软等大型游戏公司参加展会。将大面积增加e-sports区域。展会会利用区域内的大型舞台,引进家用游戏及智能手机游戏等人气项目,再配合视频直播发布,让更多人了解到e-sports的魅力。从VR扩展到AR/MR领域:将去年新开设的VR区域更名为“VR/ AR区域”,将参展范围扩展至AR和MR。除VR/AR/MR游戏软件之外,还要招募主营开发解决方案等B2B业务的企业参展。
Up to 4 players can grab the controllers and duke it out in versus mode on 5 unique stages! You can also play co-op to team up against a selection of the game’s monstrous bosses!
The full game will be featuring a Story Mode that sets you on a quest to stop the gaseous villain Balloonie and his henchmen. Featuring a head-to-head Versus Mode, Vikings on Trampolines is packed with minigames, battles, mind-blowing bosses, balloon-soccer and more. All of this can be played with a single thumbstick, opening the game to players of all ages and ensuring that you can become a master of air-time in no-time!
About D-Pad Studio
D-Pad Studio is the team behind award winning titles Owlboy (2016) and Savant - Ascent (2011). The team is lead by Simon S. Andersen, renowned pixel-artist and designer of Owlboy. Follow us as we prepare to share more from our upcoming third title - Vikings On Trampolines. Check out the official trailer on Youtube, or download here.
- 地址:上海市-福贸展会大鹏zpexpo
- 邮编:201108
- 电话:021-61200956
- 副总经理:张鹏-福贸展会大鹏
- 手机:15821106898
- 传真:021-61200956
- 微信:zpexpo
- QQ:99581873
- Email:zpexpo@163.com