The shows within Texworld Evolution Paris 2024B
Avantex is the international innovation meeting place for startups, game-changers and the industrial avant-garde dedicated to an advanced and sustainable fashion. From upstream to downstream, Avantex presents every year in July the best of high-tech and offers driving the industry forward. Everywhere in the world, cutting-edge solutions are emerging to serve companies for a more efficient, transparent, circular and ecological fashion. New materials, fibres, textiles, wearables, software, machines, processes and services, the show brings together the players who are shaping tomorrow's Fashion and organise the Avantex Fashion Pitch.
To facilitate the search for products, many sectors & itineraries are brought forward:
Texworld Denim’s mission is to gather all the Denim offer of the show in one location: from raw material to finished goods, from sportswear to casualwear. King of all fabrics, unisex, wearable in all seasons, Denim is THE essential material for all brands and designers. Discover the leading companies specialized in Denim from Bangladesh, China, India, Morocco, Pakistan and Türkiye.
Leatherworld is the European platform dedicated to the leather industry regrouping manufacturers of raw materials and finished leather goods.
Discover a large panel of Exotic leather, Tanneries, Semi-finished/Finished leather, and Footwear, Handcrafted leather goods, Fashion accessories, Handbags & Wallets, Luggage & Briefcase, etc.
The Elite Sector brings together in a single space all the high value-added companies offering complementary services that are indispensable to brands and fashion designers. These exhibitors have been chosen by the selection committee for their performance in terms of quality, price competitiveness, responsiveness and logistics. ELITE thus brings together the best of the industries from Bangladesh, China, Lebanon, India, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, and Türkiye.
The Shawls & Scarves sector is dedicated to shawls, scarves, carrés and stoles. In the composition of your choice: cashmere, wool, silk, cotton, linen, bamboo…and in infinite blends! Around 50 manufacturers from entry to high end, offer trendy, casual and creative collections.
The Services Sector completes the product offer: a meeting place to find new solutions to assist creators, buyers, clothing manufacturers and all companies related to the textile industry.
The Handmade itinerary aims to promote the finest handicraft of our exhibitors, coming from around the globe: embroideries, brocarts, handwoven fabrics and more to be discovered.
The Small Quantity itinerary which lists the exhibitors who can sell small quantities to designers is a real asset for small brands and capsule collections.
The Econogy Finder : for more than 15 years, the show has been promoting eco-responsible and ethical textiles, allowing you to find sustainable companies for a greener sourcing.
The exhibition has become a real platform for purchasing and a source for inspiration, one not to be missed, thanks to a very wide range of products, its forum and trend book, dreamed up by Louis Gérin and Gregory Lamaud, the artistic directors for the show.
- The shows within Texworld Evolution Paris 2024A 2024-01-25
- 商务休闲装.职业工装|日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会 2024-01-24
- 行政职业装.行业制服|日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会 2024-01-24
- 定制产业供应链平台等|日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会 2024-01-24
- 箱包鞋履配饰|日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会 2024-01-24
- 高端定制面辅料商|日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会 2024-01-24
- 日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会|私人个性化定制品牌博览会 2024-01-24
- 日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会|高.级成衣定制博览会 2024-01-24
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- 日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会|男女西装及礼服定制博览会 2024-01-24
- 日本ファッション業界を網羅する8つの展示会|规模化服装定制工厂 2024-01-24
- 日本人工智能展AI Expo2024|基础技术展区.智能芯片展览会 2024-01-23
- 日本人工智能展AI Expo2024|多行业应用场景及综合解决方案展览会 2024-01-23
- 日本人工智能展AI Expo2024|AI生态圈展区.AI人才招聘展览会 2024-01-23
- 日本人工智能展AI Expo2024|国际创新创业项目.投资人会客厅展览会 2024-01-23
- 地址:上海市-福贸展会大鹏zpexpo
- 邮编:201108
- 电话:021-61200956
- 副总经理:张鹏-福贸展会大鹏
- 手机:15821106898
- 传真:021-61200956
- 微信:zpexpo
- QQ:99581873