Exhibitors BATTERY JAPAN March 2024 is now open
The "Exhibitors' Products Directory" for BATTERY JAPAN [March] 2024 is now open. Check all the exhibit products and register as a visitor for FREE. Don't miss out!
Exhibit Products (excerpts)
Exhibitor: TAOKE ENERGY株式会社
130kWh and 260kWh Outdoor Cabinet ESS
DCDC link design is adopted Compact design Built-in auxiliary power supply Customized EMS available Wide voltage range to connect to PV power generation Can be connected to gateway
ACT0550 Cell Tester
An 80-channel high power cell tester, ideal for testing and evaluating cells for high speed and accuracy demanding applications such as : electric vehicles, grid storage, consumer electronics. This test equipment can be used in several areas, from Research & Development to production quality control and incoming goods inspection.
Battery Impedance Meter BT4560
Measurement of the reaction resistance of batteries by low-frequency AC-IR*1 measurement *1 Battery cell quality is ensured by measuring the internal impedance at low frequencies of 1 Hz or less. ● Reliable measurement of low-impedance batteries*2 *2 Improved signal-to-noise ratio and measurement current of 1.5 A in the 3 mΩ range ● Stable measurement is achieved with a circuit configuration that is not easily affected by contact resistance and wiring resistance. ● Voltage measurement function
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- 地址:上海市-福贸展会大鹏zpexpo
- 邮编:201108
- 电话:021-61200956
- 副总经理:张鹏-福贸展会大鹏
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- Email:zpexpo@163.com